PIX: Recovery
The Japan Foundation and PIX invites you to the Artist Talk by Niha Masih and Zishaan Akbar Latif of current issue of PIX: Recovery. This issue of PIX marks the completion of two years of Great East Japan Earthquake as a gesture or a metaphor for understanding the various meanings that people invest in images […]
Registrations for
Registrations for “Wagashi” have closed at 6th Feb midnight
Japan Booth at New Delhi World Book Fair 2012
The New Delhi World Book Fair is the biggest book fair in the Afro-Asian Region. There will be a Japanese booth exhibiting a variety of books and catalogues introducing Japanese culture to visitors. These are to include genres such as Japanese language education, origami, picture books, manga, contemporary literature, new books, social science, tourism, photography […]
Japanese Overseas Students in India
The Japan Foundation invites you to India – Japan Dialogue Lecture Series 2013-14 Part I – Japanese Overseas Students in India in 1950’s: Experiencing the Journey of Japanese Scholars to India,In those days, India was our Hope During 1950’s, although India was facing tough times as it had just won the independence, Indian government was […]
Omnilogue: JOURNEY TO THE WEST Exhibition
This Japanese contemporary art exhibition was jointly planned by young curators from India, Thailand and Japan. Hints of its “Journey to the West” motif originate from two historical interactions. The first is based on an intellectual exchange between Rabindranath Tagore, a poet and philosopher from India, and Okakura Tenshin, an art historian and philosopher from […]