Regular Film Screening: Water Boys
The world’s first all-male synchronized swim movie! Synopsis: Suzuki, a high school senior, is the last remaining member of Tadano High School’s swim team. If no new members join the team this year, it will be cancelled altogether. Fortunately, a pretty teacher, Sakuma, is picked as the swim team’s new coach. After class, 30 young […]
Film Screening at ICCR: Zen
The Japan Foundation, New Delhi and the Network for Promotion of Aisan Film (NEPTAC) will screen a Japanese film, Zen on 30 April at Indian Council for Cultural Relations during the International Buddhist Festival ‘The Inner Path’ . Film title: Zen 127 min / ZEN Production Committee Director: TAKAHASHI Banmei Script: TAKAHASHI Banmei Based on […]
Traditional Tea Ceremony – Japanese Language & Culture Event
Thank you ! Registration for tea ceremony is closed, as it reached full house. Japanese Lauguage & Culture Event The Japan Foundation will organise a series of the Japanese Language & Culture Event at JF from this April. This event will give you a chance to enjoy the Japanese culture as well as learn basic […]
Regular Japanese FIlm Screening : The Old Bear Hunter
Synopsis: An old man lives in the snowy mountains of northern Japan. When young, he fought with a great bear and still has the scars and tells his young grandson the stories of this mighty animal. Then one day, a young girl in the village is attacked by a bear and killed. The old man […]
Japanese Design Today 100 in Shimla
The designs of products for living are mirrors that reflect the life of our society and the personal lifestyles of individuals. These designs vividly depict the hopes and dreams of the people using the products as well as the designers and corporations creating them. This world- traveling “Japanese Design Today 100” exhibition is a selection […]