List of schools looking for Japanese language teachers (06/11/2012)

Schools that are looking for Japanese language teachers are listed in the below URL. Notice: The Japan Foundation absolves itself from any responsibility on the information or guidance provided on Japanese language education in different schools and on Japanese language resource persons. This service is being provided in the purpose of popularising Japanese language […]

Japanese Design Today 100

The designs of products for living are mirrors that reflect the life of our society and the personal lifestyles of individuals. These designs vividly depict the hopes and dreams of the people using the products as well as the designers and corporations creating them. This world- traveling “Japanese Design Today 100” exhibition is a selection […]

Kurosawa Retrospective

The Japan Foundation and Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts & Communication presents Kurosawa Retrospective – Experiencing The Genius of Akira Kurosawa. This film festival consists of 25 classic Japanese Films of the legendary director – Akira Kurosawa. Akira Kurosawa-Profile Born on 23rd March 1910 in Shinagawa, Tokyo. Kurosawa studied art before entering into film. He […]

Lecture on ‘Japanese Business Management’

Topic : “The Survival of Japanese Monozukuri (Manufacturing): Comparison between Apple and Sony” What is the reason behind today’s stall in Japanese electronics industry? Is this merely the phenomenon happening in the manufacturing industry, or is it happening in other industries, too? Is there something Japanese corporates can learn from that phenomenon? In this lecture, […]

japanee education

Step 1: First we have to get the post id global $posts; $post_id = $posts->ID; Step 2: After the get the post id, then we get the category is very simple. $category = get_the_category($postID); $category_name = $category->cat_name – See more at: 1: First we have to get the post id global $posts; $post_id = […]

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