Omnilogue: JOURNEY TO THE WEST Exhibition
This Japanese contemporary art exhibition was jointly planned by young curators from India, Thailand and Japan. Hints of its “Journey to the West” motif originate from two historical interactions. The first is based on an intellectual exchange between Rabindranath Tagore, a poet and philosopher from India, and Okakura Tenshin, an art historian and philosopher from […]
Animation Workshops
Art animation refers to highly artistic animation work produced mainly by small groups of people or individuals applying various techniques. The workshops are run by Maya Yonesho, who is active in Japan and overseas in the field of art animation. Participants engage in all aspects of animation production, from storyboard creation to filming and special […]
Hikari Exhibition –
It is a contemporary photography from Japan by Yuji Obata, Tokihiro Sato, Shiho Kito, Kimiko Yoshida, Ken Kitano, in support from The Japan Foundation. Hikari: Contemporary Photography from Japan explores the notion of “Hikari” (the Japanese word for light) in each of the photographers’ work. Each artist investigates how light can be used as […]
Wall Art Festival 2012
Bihar is known as the poorest state in Northeast India. Indian and Japanese artists spend around 20 days there at the Niranjana School in Sujata Village, Bodh-Gaya, and produce Wall Art using the walls of the school building as canvas. In the process, the artists spend time with children there and conduct workshops for them. […]
Japan-India Performing Arts Show
This show includes contemporary dance and theater based on the concept of embodiment and the performing arts. India has a long history of colorful, splendid traditional dances that combine high-level artistry and exceptional techniques. These dances have led to the rise of contemporary performing arts that approach modern society through physical expression. Japan is also […]