The Japan Foundation, New Delhi presents YOUNG SCHOLARS FORUM IV 2017.
Panel Discussion on ‘Soft Power in Indo Pacific’
Date – 23rd, March, 2017 (Thursday)
Time – 19:00 onwards
Venue – Casuarina Hall, India Habitat Centre
Session will be Chaired by Mr. Sanjay Pulipaka, Senior Consultant, East Asia Research Programme, Indian Council for Research on International Economics ICRIER.
Speakers –
1. Japan’s Soft Power in South East Asia by Ms. Avantika Deb, Research Associate at ORF.
2. Indian Diaspora in Southeast Asia and its Economic Dimension by Niranjan C Oak, Research Scholar, Centre for Indo-Pacific Studies, JNU, New Delhi.
3. Is the US Soft Power on Decline by Ms. Tanzoom Ahmed, Research Associate, Delhi Policy Group.
This year marks the year of Japan – India Friendly Exchanges