
A bold adaptation of the Shakespeare classic by Nakae Yuji, director of Nabbie’s Love (Nabbie no Koi). Set on a small Okinawa island, this is a story filled with happiness woven between humans and kijimun (spirits). The cast stars Taira Tomi and a well known collection of Okinawan talent from Nakae’s previous productions. Exhausted from her romance in Tokyo, Yuriko (Shibamoto Yuki) returns to her hometown on Yugafu Island and reunites with the spirit (kijimun) Majiru (Kurashita Honami). Majiru’s duty is to bless mortals, and to protect the island and Yuriko. Things start to get hectic as soon as she arrives. Not only does she find herself embroiled in the mayor’s treacherous plans to develop the island, but her ex-boyfriend pursues her home, too. Majiru does his absolute best using a secret love potion.

Color / American Vista (1:1.85) /2009 / 105min


Director: NAKAE Motoko &   NAKAE Yuji

Script: NAKAE Yuji

Based on the novel by: William SHAKESPEARE

Cinematography: TAKAMA Kenji(JSC)

Editor: MIYAJIMA Ryuji

Production Design: NAKAOKA Yoko

Producers: SATO Miyuki, ARAI Mariko, UEYAMA Kimikazu





TAIRA Susumu