Do you want your students to experience the Japanese language and culture?

We welcome you!

The Japan Foundation, New Delhi offers language and culture-based workshops for schools, called SWAGATAM! JFND and CHALO, JAPAN! designed to encourage and excite students about learning Japanese. They are two-hour programs that consist of Introduction of JF, Japanese activities and Games.

N.B: Swagatam! JFND and CHALO, JAPAN! are programs with the same program outline the only difference being the venue of the program. School students are invited to our Swagatam! JFND Program while JF team visits schools under the Chalo, Japan! program.

The goal of these programs is to enhance and motivate the Japanese language learners, and for non-Japanese learners to let them know more about Japan, Japanese language and culture as well.
The program consists of introduction of Japan Foundation followed by Japanese quiz and main activity, etc.


  • Schools with or without Japanese language knowledge are welcome.
  • Schools who like to experience the Japanese language and culture can apply.
  • Only Schools can apply for this (Private Institutions, Colleges, and Companies / Factories cannot apply).
  • Individual participation is not allowed.
  • Chalo, Japan! is applicable only for Delhi NCR Schools.


  • Venue for Swagatam! JFND: The Japan Foundation, New Delhi (Offline) or Zoom (Online)
  • Capacity: 10-30 Members (Offline), 10-50 members (Online)

★ Participant’s Eligibility

  • Participants must be school students.
  • Grades 4 to 12
  • Participants must have a PC, desktop, or smartphone with an Internet connection (Online).

★If interested, Queries/ Contact:

Ms. Meeli Khuraijam