JFF 2020 YOUNG CRITIC CONTEST  JFND is organizing JFF Young Critic Contest for Schools will alongside the Japanese Film Festival (JFF) India 2020. We have curated Japanese Animation films in the line-up; especially for the children and youth. We hope the Contest motivates them to watch these films, enjoy their experience, and inculcate the ability […]


JAPANESE FILM FESTIVAL 2020 The Japan Foundation will be conducting its fourth Japanese Film Festival (JFF) from 4th to 13th December. And this time it will be ALL ONLINE. The fourth edition of the festival in India has an expansive list of 30 select Japanese films from genres of varied formats and subjects. It is […]

2020 semester1 First Screening Result

JF KOZA, January to June, 2021: First Screening Result The Japan Foundation, New Delhi has announced the first screening result of JF KOZA, January to June, 2021. Please find the form number and your name in the list below and appear for online interview test at the allotted date and time. First Screening Result: Class […]

2020-2021 South Asia Online Haiku Contest

2020-2021 South Asia Online Haiku Contest  2020 has been a difficult year for all of us but to bring some excitement to your life, we present to you…   2020-2021 South Asia Online Haiku Contest!! What is Haiku? Haiku is a short Japanese poem written generally as 5-7-5 Japanese character format  (literally translated from五七五 or […]

Japanese Language Short Film Contest in South Asia 2020-21

Please see all short films and “like” your favorite ones!   : YOUTUBE PLAYLIST of SHORT FILMS 全てのショートフィルムは上のリンクから!   Japanese Language Short Film Contest in South Asia 2020-2021 The Japan Foundation, New Delhi presents you a theme-based short film by using Japanese language. Through this contest we aim to promote Japanese language for learners by providing […]

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