Lecture on “The Concept of Amae and Other Developmental Concepts: The Keys to Understand Japanese Society”
Amae, which is a psychoanalytic terms, and it literally means “Dependence” in Japanese language. The Concept of Amae was, first, introduced by one Japanese psychoanalyst, Mr. Takeo Doi, to the psychoanalytic society, since then, this concept has been further researched by many other psychoanalysts. In Japan as well as in many other Asian countries, being […]
Osaka Hamlet
Directed by : MITSUISHI Fujiro Produced by : ITO Hidehiro , ASAHI Masatsugu [ Cast ] MATSUZAKA Keiko KUBO Fusako KISHIBE Ittoku KUBO Takanori MORITA Naoyuki KUBO Yukio HAZAMA Kanpei KUBO Hisanori KATO Natsuki AKASHI Yuka [ Staff ] MATSUSHITA Junichi Executive Producer ENDO Koji Music ITO Hidehiro Screenplay INOMOTO Masami Cinematography OBA Hayato Production […]
Japanese Graphic Posters Exhibition
The Japan Foundation, New Delhi invites you to the exhibition of collection of remarkable graphic posters from the 80’ and 90’, depicting the tremendous changes in economy of Japan in that period. These are works of the following 15 renowned Japanese graphic designers : Yusaku kamekura Kiyoshi awazu Kazumasa Nagai Ikko Tanaka Makoto Nakamura Mitsuo […]
Summer Days With COO
Color animation / Vista / 2007 /138 min /Shin-ei Animation Director: Hara Keiichi Script: Hara Keiichi Based on the book by: Kogure Masao Cinematography: Yanai Koichi Production Design: Nakamura Takashi Music: Wakakusa Kei Producer: Mogi Hitoshi Cast (voices): Coo: Tomizawa Kazato Uehara Koichi: Yokokawa Takahiro Uehara Hitomi, his younger sister: Matsumoto Tamaki Uehara Yasuo, his […]
Recruitment of new staff at The Japan Foundation
The Japan Foundation invites application for the position of Program Coordinator, on Retainer ship Basis. The complete details are as follows: About The Japan Foundation The Japan Foundation is a governmental organization of Japan, formed for international cultural exchange program. Our Office is promoting art & culture, Japanese language and Japanese studies &Intellectual exchange program in India. […]