Teachers’ Training Course B (12 Hours) in New Delhi
Duration: 14th December, 2019(Sat) & 15th December, 2019(Sun) (2 days)
Venue: Lecture Hall-3 (room no.105), 1st floor, Japanese Language Teachers’ Training Centre, UGC-HRDC, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067.
⮚ Application forms: Please apply from https://forms.gle/UH4PEwkdECTKaJvh7
⮚ Deadline for the application: 4th December, 2019 (Wed); 12:00 noon
⮚ Participation fee: Nil
⮚ Certificate: The certificate will be awarded to the participants who attend the course for its full duration.
To download the Schedule click HERE