Exhibition- Indigo and Its Impact on India & East Asia
 Date: 16th Nov~11th of Dec 2018
(Closed on Sundays & Public holidays)
Venue: The Japan Foundation, New Delhi
Timing: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
About the exhibition: Dr. Padmini Tolat Balaram is presently working as Professor of Design at Visva-Bharati University in India. Prior to that, she was Professor and Head Extension, D. J. Academy of Design, was visiting/Adjunct Professor at NID, CEPT University, and NIFT. Apart from teaching 16 different design subjects, she has carried out extensive multi-disciplinary research in India, China, South Korea, and Japan and in other Asian countries such as Thailand, Bhutan, and Uzbekistan.
Her first research in Japan was as a Japan Foundation Fellow, on ‘Indigo and Its use in Japan: A comparative study with India’, where she documented and experimented with Nihon Ai, Ryukyu Ai and Indo Ai (Indian Indigo), various Japanese techniques of designing with natural Indigo including Shibori, Kasuri, Tsutsugaki, Bingata, Aigata, Egata, Katazome, Edo Komon, Tsujigahana, etc.
Her research on ‘Textile Route from India to Japan via China and Korea and Its Impact on Japanese Textiles’ and on ‘Confluence of Culture: Indigo among Minorities of Southwest China and South Korea’ as a Japan Foundation and Asia Scholarship Foundation Fellow respectively have added to the East Asian Indigo.