【New online Course for teachers (How to teach Marugoto A1-Katsudoo)】

Japan Foundation, New Delhi is offering an online course for teachers who want to teach A1 Katsudou. This is a free course and last of Application is from 4 Feb ~15 Feb. Interested teachers kindly apply. Seats are limited (only 10 Seats). Zoom and Google Classroom platforms will be used for the classes.

Detailed information is given below.

Main course contents:

・Self-Study on Google classroom

・4 live lessons (Every Wednesday)

・2 assignments

・1 Mock test lesson

  • Self-Study on Google Classroom

Course will start with self-study, where participants will watch

videos and go through study materials by their own before Live Lessons.


①17th Feb. 17:00-18:00 Course guidance

②24th Feb. 17:00-18:00 What is “Marugoto”?

③3rd Mar. 17:00-18:00 How to teach “Marugoto A1 Katsudoo”

④10th Mar. 17:00-18:00 Regarding Mock lesson

  • Assignment

・What is “Marugoto”? & Lesson plan

  • Mock test lesson

・24th Mar. 17:00-18:00

・About 10 minutes per person.


10 Seats (Short Listing)

★Completion Requirements

Passing Score: score of 70 points or higher.

The allocation of points is as follows.

・Study progress 10%・Live lesson 50%

・Assignment 10%・Mock lesson Test 30%


1.Currently working as Japanese

Language Teacher in South Asia

  1. Above JLPT N3

3.Who can do assignments and Tests

4.Who can attend all live sessions


10 Seats (Short Listing)

★Deadline for Application

15th Feb 12:00 Noon

★Selection Announcement

15th Feb 15:00, through email

★How to apply

Google form:https://forms.gle/QANUSHx4NEsLgsUk6
