The world’s first all-male synchronized swim movie!
Synopsis: Suzuki, a high school senior, is the last remaining member of Tadano High School’s swim team. If no new members join the team this year, it will be cancelled altogether. Fortunately, a pretty teacher, Sakuma, is picked as the swim team’s new coach. After class, 30 young men gather at the poolside. Many of them, like Sato, who was forced to quit basketball because of an injury, want to join the team for reasons other than the love of water. Despite the huge crowd, however, Sakuma wears a frown. She had dreamed of coaching a synchronized swimming team, an ambition that was shattered when she was assigned to work at a boy’s school. She announces to the students that she plans to teach them synchronized swimming in spite of their gender. Most of the young men flee instantly.
When the dust settles, only five students are left: Suzuki, Sato, Ohta, Kanazawa and Saotome. Hoping to cheer Sakuma up, they launch into a silly imitation of Olympic-style women’s synchronized swimming moves. An overjoyed Sakuma decides that the team will present a synchronized swimming performance at the school festival. The five members are taken aback.
Satoshi Tsumabuki Suzuki
Naoto Takenaka Isomura
Kaori Manabe Sakuma
Akira Emoto & STAFF
Written and Directed by: Shinobu Yaguchi
Producer: Shoji Masui “Shall We Dance?”
Production company: Altamira Pictures (“Shall We Dance?”)
2000 / 91 min / Color / Dolby SR. / 35mm
Starus: Complete / Release date in Japan : September 15, 2001